Blog Archives

day 16/30: expand

shower thoughts + can’t-wait-to-eat-and-call-it-a-day-thoughts

it’s the way, when you make room for it, the universe, the possibilities for life, the rooms your spirit can be contained,the tangents a conversation can take, expand. when June started, actually, on the last day of May, I made a voice note about how I’d wish for the coming days in June to have lots of moments where my heart expands, where I live & love bigly, and – I said to myself – to get the candle from under my bed, a la the biblical candle that’s hidden away from the world. all the ways I am used to shrinking, clipping away myself, I was curious what it would be like to step a little bit out of that. as always, when such declarations of spirit find me, I don’t exactly know how it’ll happen but it does, somehow. maybe that’s what these sketches are about. perhaps a moment like this, (whatever it was that inspired me to make that voice note, and actually remember to listen back some days into June – whatever chain of events led to that. I may have intended to write it but was too tired, can’t remember) is a decluttering of sorts, like how you sift through beans and the dirt moves to the sides of the uteo. like a revelation of what was already swirling within, perhaps drowned out by the cacophony of every day things? however it came to be, I know this month has already had many fascinating/heart-full/beautifully unexpected/even chaotic moments that I’m not sure would have happened otherwise. who knows. or maybe they wouldn’t have stood out. like how I started watching Stranger things this week and then, I’m seeing memes and little quips and tweets that my friends, I suppose, would have shared otherwise, but that wouldn’t have stood out at all to me. but now that I’m immersed in that universe, it’s like, yoo, I know what you mean about Joyce Byers! a whole world that exists, but wouldn’t be available to me. life is interesting like that, eh? we really can just make shit up, frame and reframe things, change things around to whatever story we want it to be. to more experiments! oof. too hungry to go on๐Ÿ˜‚